


Aantal resultaten: 437

  1. Hotelaccommodatie
    Holiday Inn Express Évora

    Telefoon: +351 266 243 140
    E-mail: info@hieevora.com
    Website: https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/pt/pt/reservati (...)

  2. Toerisme in Landelijke Gebieden
    Horta da Mesquita

    Telefoon: +351 91 073 45 08
    E-mail: montedamesquita@gmail.com

  3. Horta da Quintã
Plaats: Mértola
Foto: Horta da Quintã
    Toerisme in Landelijke Gebieden
    Horta da Quintã

    Telefoon: +351 286 616 500/ +351 96 552 31 53
    E-mail: josemestreoliveira@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.hortadaquinta.com

  4. Toerisme in Landelijke Gebieden
    Horta do Muro - Casa da Horta

    Telefoon: +351 96 983 97 71
    E-mail: turismorural@hortadomuro.com.pt
    Website: http://www.hortadomuro.com.pt/

  5. Toerisme in Landelijke Gebieden
    Horta Vermelha
    Respecting its century-old country history, Horta Vermelha has been renovated with care, keeping its uniqueness. You are in the country, but not isolated. You will be in control of your time and your feelings, whatever you decide to do. You may (...)

    Telefoon: +351 96 574 47 35; 268 891 538
    E-mail: info@horta-vermelha.com
    Website: http://www.horta-vermelha.com

  6. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Acez

    Telefoon: +351 265 809 300
    Fax: +351 265 809 301
    E-mail: geral@albergaria-acez.pt
    Website: http://www.albergaria-acez.pt

  7. Hotel A Esteva
    Hotel A Esteva

    Telefoon: +351 286320110/8
    Fax: +351 286320119
    E-mail: geral@aesteva.pt
    Website: http://www.aesteva.pt

  8. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Alentejano

    Telefoon: +351 268 337 300
    Fax: +351 268 324 509
    E-mail: cafealentejano@sapo.pt
    Website: http://www.alentejanohotel.com/pt-pt

  9. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Antiga Moagem

    Telefoon: +351 266 467 153
    Fax: +351 266 467 153
    E-mail: reservas@antigamoagem.com
    Website: http://www.antigamoagem.com

  10. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Apartamento Craveiral Farmhouse by Belong Staying and Feeling

    Telefoon: +351 283 249 170
    E-mail: ola@craveiral.pt
    Website: https://www.craveiral.pt/


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