


Aantal resultaten: 101

  1. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Talisman

    Telefoon: +351 296 308 500
    Fax: +351 296 308 505
    E-mail: reservas@hoteltalisman.com
    Website: http://hoteltalisman.com/

  2. Hotelaccommodatie
    Hotel Teresinha

    Telefoon: +351 295 540 060
    E-mail: hotelteresinha@hotmail.com
    Website: http://www.hotelteresinha.com

  3. Hotel Vale Verde
Plaats: Furnas
Foto: Hotel Vale Verde
    Hotel Vale Verde

    Telefoon: +351 296 54 90 10
    Fax: +351 296 54 90 19
    E-mail: geral@hotelvaleverde.com
    Website: http://www.hotelvaleverde.com

  4. Hotel Varandas do Atlântico
    Hotel Varandas do Atlântico

    Telefoon: +351 295 540 050
    Fax: +351 295 540 051
    E-mail: reservas@hotelvarandas.com
    Website: http://www.hotelvarandas.com

  5. Hotel  VIP Executive Azores
    Hotel VIP Executive Azores

    Telefoon: +351 296 00 01 00
    Fax: +351 296 00 01 01
    E-mail: hotelazores@viphotels.com
    Website: http://www.viphotels.com

  6. Hotel Zenite
    Hotel Zenite

    Telefoon: +351 295 212 260
    Fax: +351 295 628 052
    E-mail: reservas@hotelzenite.com
    Website: http://www.hotelzenite.com

  7. Moinho das Feteiras
    Toerisme in Landelijke Gebieden
    Moinho das Feteiras

    Telefoon: +351 296 107 025
    E-mail: mail@moinhodasfeteiras.com
    Website: http://www.moinhodasfeteiras.com

  8. Hotelaccommodatie
    Neat Hotel Avenida

    Telefoon: +351 296 209 660
    Fax: +351 296 209 669
    E-mail: neathotelavenida@bensaude.pt
    Website: http://www.neathotelavenida.com

  9. Hotelaccommodatie
    Pestana Bahia Praia Nature and Beach Resort

    Telefoon: +351 296 539 130
    Fax: +351 296 539 138
    E-mail: fo.bahiapraia@pestana.com
    Website: http://www.pestana.com

  10. Pousada de Juventude de Angra do Heroísmo
    Pousada de Juventude de Angra do Heroísmo

    Telefoon: +351 295 642 095
    Fax: +351 295 642 095
    E-mail: pja.angra@oninet.pt
    Website: http://www.pousadasjuventude.pt


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