Praia de Paçô
Praia de Paçô
Maritime beach
Flanked by dunes forming a border between the sands and the green of the adjoining fields, Paçô Beach forms an attractive scenario with the Montedor hill and its lighthouse dominating to the south. Formerly a strategic location, the Beach contains the ruins of an 18th century fortress, part of the coastal defence system.
Currently, Paçô Beach is one of the most popular in the region with sunbathers benefiting from the natural shelter from the winds and fishermen attracted by both the good line and spear fishing to be enjoyed here.
Currently, Paçô Beach is one of the most popular in the region with sunbathers benefiting from the natural shelter from the winds and fishermen attracted by both the good line and spear fishing to be enjoyed here.
Viana do Castelo
Average seawater temperature in summer (ºC)
: 15-16 ºC
EEC Blue Flag
Security or Surveillance
Sunshade rental