The Portuguese Discoveries
The Portuguese Discoveries
In the reign of King João I (1385-1433)
1415 - Conquest of Ceuta
1418 - João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz discover the island of Porto Santo
1419 - João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz discover Madeira
1427 - Diogo de Silves discovers the Azores
In the reign of King Duarte (1433-38)
1434 - Gil Eanes rounds Cape Bojador
In the reign of King Afonso V (1438-1481)
1441 - Nuno Tristão leads an expedition to Cape White, on the African coast
1445 - Nuno Tristão leads an expedition to Senegal
In the reign of King João II (1481-95)
1460 - Diogo Gomes discovers the Cape Verde archipelago
1471 - Discovery of the islands of Fernão Pó, São Tomé, Príncipe and Ano Bom
1483 - Diogo Cão discovers the mouth of the Congo river
1485 - Diogo Cão reaches Namibia
1488 - Bartolomeu Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope
In the reign of King Manuel I (1495-1521)
1498 - Vasco da Gama discovers the sea route to India
1500 - Pedro Álvares Cabral discovers Brazil
1501 - Gaspar Corte Real reaches Newfoundland
1510 - Afonso de Albuquerque conquers Goa
1511 - Portuguese vessels reach the Moluccas
1513 - Portuguese trading posts established in China, Macao and Canton
1519 - Portuguese captain Fernando Magellan begins the first circumnavigation of the globe, completing the voyage in 1522
In the reign of King João III (1521-57)
1543 - Portuguese vessels reach Japan
1415 - Conquest of Ceuta
1418 - João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz discover the island of Porto Santo
1419 - João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz discover Madeira
1427 - Diogo de Silves discovers the Azores
In the reign of King Duarte (1433-38)
1434 - Gil Eanes rounds Cape Bojador
In the reign of King Afonso V (1438-1481)
1441 - Nuno Tristão leads an expedition to Cape White, on the African coast
1445 - Nuno Tristão leads an expedition to Senegal
In the reign of King João II (1481-95)
1460 - Diogo Gomes discovers the Cape Verde archipelago
1471 - Discovery of the islands of Fernão Pó, São Tomé, Príncipe and Ano Bom
1483 - Diogo Cão discovers the mouth of the Congo river
1485 - Diogo Cão reaches Namibia
1488 - Bartolomeu Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope
In the reign of King Manuel I (1495-1521)
1498 - Vasco da Gama discovers the sea route to India
1500 - Pedro Álvares Cabral discovers Brazil
1501 - Gaspar Corte Real reaches Newfoundland
1510 - Afonso de Albuquerque conquers Goa
1511 - Portuguese vessels reach the Moluccas
1513 - Portuguese trading posts established in China, Macao and Canton
1519 - Portuguese captain Fernando Magellan begins the first circumnavigation of the globe, completing the voyage in 1522
In the reign of King João III (1521-57)
1543 - Portuguese vessels reach Japan