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Leiria Castle Royal Palaces
The castle stands imposingly tall over Leiria, guarding the city with its Gothic ramparts running the length of the walls built by João I in the 14th century. His coat of arms can still be seen there. It was here royalty would reside on their visits to the city as well as being home to the governors who would otherwise oversee the castle. The famous veranda is on the third floor which housed the royal rooms, separated by the Noble Room and Audience Chambers.

In these rooms, the 1433 Courts were held, where Duarte took the Royal oath and where, in 1438, the nobility discussed continuing the Portuguese advance into Morocco after the conquest of Ceuta in 1415.

The Romantic inspired restoration at the beginning of the 20th century recovered these rooms from a state of ruin opening them up so all could enjoy the impressive views out over the city and beyond.

Castelo de Leiria

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