Treino de Mar

The Treino de Mar emerged as an answer to the many requests from those who really want to live the sea, experience sailing and live the day-to-day of a sailor. The founders, themselves trainers and professionals sailors, decided to meet this challenge through the full integration of enthusiasts on a project that is not only to obtain the legal authorization from the government to manage boats, but also looking through a continuous training and practice in expertizes prepared for sailing on the ocean.
Alone, with family and friends or with your business team, come and benefit from the huge extension of water and dazzling beauty that Portugal provides on its coasts. Get ready and set out for adventure. Contact us.

Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at