
CIBA - Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota

CIBA - Centro Interpretação Batalha Aljubarrota
CIBA - Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota

Museums and Palaces

The Battle of Aljubarrota Interpretation Centre (CIBA) is a project that has been developed by the Fundação da Batalha de Aljubarrota in order to protect and enhance the heritage of the Military Camp of São Jorge.

Located in the village of São Jorge, the centre’s exhibition space is an innovative combination of entertainment and education, divided into four sections that help visitors to understand what the Battle of Aljubarrota was and how it happened. The first two sections are dedicated to the Battle of Aljubarrota, looking at the historical period when the battle took place and the archaeological discoveries that have been made on the battlefield. There is also an auditorium projecting a multimedia show that reconstructs the battle and the events that led up to it. The third section is dedicated to a range of interpretations and comments that have been made about the Battle of Aljubarrota, resulting from the different scholarly and literary treatments that have been given to the subject. The last section is presented in the area outside the centre, signalling the different places that proved to be the most important during the course of the battle, fought on the field of the so-called Military Camp of São Jorge.

The visit to the Interpretation Centre lasts roughly 50 minutes and the full visit (CIBA and the Military Camp of São Jorge) roughly 2 hours.


Av. D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, nº 120, São Jorge
2480-062 Calvaria de Cima
+351 244 480 060

Guided Tours
Accessible to people with limited mobility
Reserved parking spaces
Accessible route to the entrance:
  • Partial
Accessible entrance:
  • Total
Reception area suitable for people with special needs
Accessible areas/services:
  • Shop
  • Bar/Café
  • Toilets
  • Patio
  • Auditorium
Accessible information:
  • Information panels
  • Interative and audiovisual presentations
  • Items for tactile exploration
Care skills:
  • Motor disability
Support products/services available:
  • Motor disability
  • Mental disability
Credit cards accepted

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