
Go Trekking Portugal

Go Trekking Portugal
Photo: Go Trekking Portugal
Go Trekking Portugal


Go Trekking Portugal is a Tourism Animation project dedicated to planning, organizing and developing a set of activities of close contact with nature, through walks of varying levels of difficulty, which provide participants with unique moments of discovery, exploration and conviviality and simultaneously allow them to enrich their knowledge about the Biodiversity, History, Heritage and Culture of each region.
We have the ambition and the permanent concern to keep a diversified offer, both in content and duration of the activities that can be developed both in Portugal and in other countries, from one day routes to longer programs.

Go Trekking Portugal

Av. João Branco Núncio
2660-271 Santo António dos Cavaleiros
+351 931 163 412 / 938 885 849

Mountain Climbing
Nature watching
Observation of geology
Registration No.
: 640/2021

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