Porto and the North seen by Mário Linhares

Over the centuries many different peoples have occupied the land that is now Portugal, generating a meeting of many cultures and ways of living. Mário Linhares believes that this long history is at the root of the Portuguese friendliness and, doing justice to this heritage, he welcomed the Italian Benedetta with open arms and was the guide and host of this trip to the North of Portugal.
“(…) we’re like this historically. It’s not a choice, but an instinct. We don’t know how to accept difference any other way than as part of ourselves. Benedetta Dossi has come from Italy and brings her own cultural heritage, but it doesn’t matter, because ours has the capacity and the leeway to make her feel at home!"
In the end, she left Porto with a sense of accomplishment, but also with the desire to come back and stay longer. "There is always plenty to learn about, to draw, to expand, to delve into, but this is the life of a traveller, that of making choices."
Palácio da Bolsa
Torre dos Clérigos
Palácio de Cristal
Casa da Música
Museu de Serralves
Mário Linhares was born in Oeiras, lives in Sintra and works in Lisbon. He studied at the Escola António Arroio in Lisbon and in Viana do Castelo, and returned to study in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lisbon.
He is a designer but observational drawing is what guides all of his activity. He is the co-founder of Urban Sketchers Portugal and director of education of the international group. He shares his knowledge of drawing through workshops, classes, retreats and casual conversations. He has been leading humanitarian projects since 1997 and relating them to drawing since 2011.
He is co-author of Diário de Viagem | Costa do Marfim [Diary of a Journey | Côte d'Ivoire], which was awarded a prize in France, and has contributed to different books, exhibitions and lectures on the subject.
He is married and has a son. Africa is in his heart and East Timor is part of his home. Travelling and drawing are what he most enjoys doing.
Blog: http://hakunamatatayeto.blogspot.pt