Projeto Raízes

Projeto Raízes is a company of touristic and scientific entertainment, from Cabeceiras de Basto. Since 2014, we dedicate ourselves to provide quality services to North Portugal visitors, and to promote all that this regions has to offer. Pedestrian nature trips, cultural, gastronomic, etnographical and religious touristic routes, and interactive programs for people to contact with those traditions that truly feature our villages, these are some of the services that our clients enjoy the most. We value the customization of the service to each client or group of clients, and invest in the partnerships (housing, transports and activities), that allow us to meet their expectations.
Scientific Entertainment - Designed to be a fun complement in the children's vacations, creating different family moments. This service offers to the mini-scientists the opportunity to make scientific experiments in the housing unit.

4860-133 Cabeceiras de Basto
Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at