Surf Lisbon - House & School

Surf Lisbon - House & School states as the reference in Surf Schools market in Lisbon area, so named by the thousands of people that over the past 5 years, under the former name Puro Surf, with which we shared the values of this sport, who are keen to give us feedback and come back to Surf Lisbon.Besides being a Surf School with certified instructors, the best and adequate equipment, transport to drive you to the beach, we also manage a design Surf House to accomodate you comfortably during your stay in Lisbon. The XIX century house, beach front, with private and shared rooms, fresh breakfast served combined with a surfing environment and high standard of quality service makes your vacation unique in Surf Lisbon - House & School.Surf Lisbon - House and School is owned by a family runned company named Surf is On, Lda.

1400-176 Lisboa