
Museums, Monuments and Sites

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Number of results: 1314

  1. Museu Municipal de Resende
Place: Resende
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Resende
    Settled in the building of Resende's old county jail, the Museum gathers a vast local collection representing the whole county and entirely of local origin.  It offers four permanent exhibition rooms embracing the areas of archaeology, (...)

    Telephone: +351 254 877 200
    E-mail: museu@cm-resende.pt
    Website: https://cm-resende.pt/museu-municipal

  2. Museu Municipal de Santiago do Cacém
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Santiago do Cacém
    Amongst the museum's collections, attention is drawn to its displays of numismatics and archaeology, the latter depicting the human occupation of the region since the Upper Palaeolithic era.In the ethnographic collection, attention is drawn to the (...)

    Telephone: +351 269 827 375
    Fax: +351 269 829 498
    E-mail: cmsc.bib@mail.telepac.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-santiago-do-cacem.pt/cultura/museu.htm

  3. Museu Municipal de Tavira / Palácio da Galeria
Photo: F32-Turismo do Algarve
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Tavira / Palácio da Galeria

    Telephone: + 351 281 320 540
    Fax: +351 281 322 888
    E-mail: museu@cm-tavira.pt
    Website: http://museumunicipaldetavira.cm-tavira.pt

  4. Museu Municipal de Vale de Cambra
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Vale de Cambra

    Telephone: +351 256 422 016
    Fax: +351 256 420 519
    E-mail: mmvc@netvisao.pt
    Website: http://www.geira.pt/mmvalecambra/

  5. Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira
    The Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira is composed of several centres, at which the various museum services have been distributed: 1. Palácio do SobralinhoA 17th-century palace which acts as the head office of the Museum Department and also (...)

    Telephone: +351 263 280 350
    Fax: +351 263 280 358
    E-mail: museumunicipal@cm-vfxira.pt
    Website: http://www.museumunicipalvfxira.org

  6. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Vila Franca do Campo
    Vila Franca do Campo Municipal MuseumThe Vila Franca do Campo Municipal Museum presents various sections dedicated to popular culture in São Miguel island, encompassing items from day to day life, in particular pottery works that have a great (...)

    Telephone: +351 296 539 282
    Fax: +351 296 539 105
    E-mail: museuvfc@cmvfc.pt
    Website: http://www.cmvfc.pt/

  7. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal do Bombarral

    Telephone: +351 262 609 054
    Fax: +351 262 609 041
    E-mail: museu.bombarral@clix.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-bombarral.pt/cultura.htm

  8. Museu Municipal do Cadaval
Place: Cadaval
Photo: CM Cadaval
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal do Cadaval

    Telephone: + 351 262 690 166
    E-mail: museu@cm-cadaval.pt
    Website: http://www.cadavalcativa.pt/cultura/espacos-museologicos/27/ (...)

  9. Museu Municipal Dr. José Formosinho (Museu Regional de Lagos)
Place: Lagos
Photo: Turismo do Algarve
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal Dr. José Formosinho (Museu Regional de Lagos)
    Housed in the annexe to the Igreja de Santo António, this museum was founded in 1934. It has a Renaissance portico originating from the Igreja do Compromisso Marítimo (the church of the fishermen’s mutual society), to which an iron gate has been (...)

    Telephone: +351 282 762 301
    Fax: +351 282 782 058
    E-mail: museu@cm-lagos.pt

  10. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal Hipólito Cabaço
    The museum has a huge collection of roughly 40,000 pieces, the most interesting being the archaeological pieces originating from the collection amassed by the museum’s patron, Hipólito Cabaço, from the beginning of the 20th century until his (...)

    Telephone: +351 263 730 906
    Fax: +351 263 711 504
    E-mail: ffrogeiro@sapo.pt


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