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Number of results: 1321

  1. Archaeology
    Menir do Patalou
    The Patalou Menhir is a granite piece weighing about 7 tonnes and standing 4 metres high.This megalithic monument was recovered and re-erected in 2016 and is one of the most voluminous menhirs in the Iberian Peninsula.

  2. Monuments
    Mercado de Escravos - Lagos
    Slave Market - LagosIn 1444, the first slaves brought from Africa arrived in Lagos, thus originating the first slave market. The first floor was used as an Inspector's Office, Customs House, Guard House and Military Prison.The symbology associated (...)

    Website: https://museu.cm-lagos.pt/polos/rota-da-escravatura/

  3. Museums and Palaces
    MIAT - Museu Industrial e Artesanal do Têxtil de Mira de Aire
    The MIAT - Industrial and Handicraft Textile Museum aims to take visitors on a tour of the history of what was once one of the most important textile industry centres in the 20th century in Mira de Aire and Minde. The museum is located in the (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 449 269
    E-mail: miat@miat.pt
    Website: https://www.miat.pt/

  4. Museums and Palaces
    Money Museum (Museu do Dinheiro)
    The Money Museum is located in downtown Lisbon, in the old Church of São Julião, open to the public since the spring of 2016. It is a cultural equipment that aims to trace the history of money in multiple aspects, in Portugal and internationally. (...)

    Telephone: +351 213 213 240
    E-mail: info@museudodinheiro.pt
    Website: https://www.museudodinheiro.pt/

  5. Museums and Palaces
    Montalvão Vintage - Nisa
    Montalvão Vintage, located in the old Montalvão primary school in the municipality of Nisa, displays the habits and customs of twentieth-century life in the region by means of multimedia exhibitions.Outside the museum, large sculptures shaped like (...)

  6. Lines of Towers Monument
    Monumento das Linhas de Torres

    Website: http://www.alhandra.net

  7. Archaeology
    Monumento Natural das Pegadas de Dinossáurio
    In the far eastern corner of the Serra de Aire, close to the settlement of Bairro, there is an important fossil record from the Jurassic period – footprints from Sauropod dinosaurs, some of the largest beings that ever inhabited the Earth. In this (...)

    Telephone: +351 249 530 160
    Fax: +351 249 530 169
    E-mail: dinossaurios@hotmail.com
    Website: http://www.pegadasdedinossaurios.org

  8. Archaeology
    Monumentos Megalíticos de Alcalar
    The megalithic monuments of AlcalarThis is a necropolis that originally consisted of twelve corridor tombs, presenting a wide variety of architectural solutions and building techniques, ranging from the purely megalithic burial chamber to the false (...)

    Telephone: +351 282 471 410
    E-mail: alcalar@cm-portimao.pt
    Website: https://culturaportugal.gov.pt/pt/conhecer/local/_drcalgarve (...)

  9. Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória - Batalha
Place: Batalha
Photo: IGESPAR - Luís Pavão
    Mosteiro da Batalha
    Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória (or Monastery of Batalha) One of the most fascinating places in the Iberian Peninsula.A decisive event for the consolidation of the Portuguese nation took place on August 14, 1385, near the spot where the (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 765 497
    Fax: +351 244 767 184
    E-mail: geral@mbatalha.dgpc.pt
    Website: http://www.mosteirobatalha.gov.pt

  10. Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar
Place: Vila Nova de Gaia
Photo: C. M. Vila Nova de Gaia
    Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar
    Part of the area classified by UNESCO as World Heritage in December 1996, the Monastery of Serra do Pilar is the architectural landmark of Gaia. The interesting church and cloisters are laid out according to a circular design unique in Portugal.The (...)

    Telephone: +351 220 142 425
    E-mail: patrimonioanorte@culturanorte.gov.pt


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