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Number of results: 1311

  1. Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Mértola

    Telephone: +351 286 610 100 / +351 286 610 109
    Fax: +351 286 610 101
    E-mail: museus@cm-mertola.pt
    Website: https://www.museudemertola.pt

  2. Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Oferendas ao Soldado Desconhecido no Mosteiro da Batalha
    This museum is installed in the former refectory of Batalha Abbey, a Gothic masterpiece and World Heritage site since 1933. It perpetuates the memory of the Portuguese participation in the 1914-1918 war.Portugal joined the conflict in defence of its (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 765 738
    E-mail: geral@ligacombatentes.org.pt

  3. Museu de Olaria de Barcelos
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Olaria de Barcelos
    Set in the former Casa dos Mendanhas, an emblematic construction amidst the city's 18th-century heritage, the Barcelos Ceramics Museum, contains around 7000 pieces from all over Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries, with the main nucleus (...)

    Telephone: +351 253 824 741
    Fax: +351 253 809 661
    E-mail: museuolaria@cm-barcelos.pt
    Website: http://www.museuolaria.pt

  4. Museu de Portimão
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Portimão
    The Museum of Portimão opened its doors to the public in May 2008. It is housed in the former "Feu Hermanos" canning factory dating from the end of the 19th century that was subjected to thorough restoration and remodeling to adapt it to its new (...)

    Telephone: +351 282 405 230
    Fax: +351 282 405 277
    E-mail: museu@cm-portimao.pt
    Website: http://www.museudeportimao.pt/

  5. Museu de Santa Maria
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Santa Maria
    Santa Maria MuseumLocated in an early 20th-century house, the museum displays traditional furniture and utensils from one of the island's dwellings.The museum’s collection includes an interesting area associated to local daily life including pottery (...)

    Telephone: +351 296 884 844
    Fax: +351 296 884 916
    E-mail: museu.smaria.info@azores.gov.pt
    Website: http://www.museu-santamaria.azores.gov.pt/

  6. Museu de Santa Maria de Lamas
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Santa Maria de Lamas
    Santa Maria de Lamas Museum was founded in the 1950s by Henrique Amorim, a great connoisseur of art, who donated the immense collection that he had built up over his lifetime to the Casa do Povo de Santa Maria de Lamas.The highly varied categories (...)

    Telephone: +351 22 744 74 68 | +351 91 664 76 85
    Fax: +351 22 745 49 93
    E-mail: geral@museudelamas.pt
    Website: https://museu.colegiodelamas.com/

  7. Museu de São Roque
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de São Roque
    The story of this place starts in the beginning of the 16th century when King Manuel I ordered the construction of a small shrine to house a relic of Saint Roch, so that the saint would protect Lisbon from black plague. However, the church that we (...)

    Telephone: +351 21 323 50 65
    Fax: +351 21 323 50 60
    E-mail: info@museu-saoroque.com
    Website: http://www.museu-saoroque.com

  8. Museu de Scrimshaw
Place: Açores
Photo: Gustav - Turismo dos Açores
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Scrimshaw
    Scrimshaw MuseumA must for all visitors to Faial, the Scrimshaw Museum contains a magnificent set of pieces carved from the teeth of sperm whales, with engravings and low reliefs.This is a private collection belonging to the owners of the “Peter (...)

    Telephone: +351 292 292 327
    Fax: +351 292 391 287
    E-mail: peter.pt@mail.telepac.pt
    Website: http://www.petercafesport.com

  9. Museu de Setúbal / Convento de Jesus
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Setúbal / Convento de Jesus
    This museum, which is housed in the Convento de Jesus, displays a 16C Art Gallery, exhibiting a collection of sacred gold and silver plate and 16C Portuguese and Flemish painting.Particularly impressive are the 14 panels of the altarpiece of the (...)

    Telephone: +351 265 537 890
    Fax: +351 265 537 893
    E-mail: museu.setubal@mun-setubal.pt
    Website: http://www.rpmuseus-pt.org/Pt/cont/fichas/museu_92.html

  10. Museu do  Abade de Baçal
Place: Bragança
Photo: Direção Regional Cultura Norte
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu do Abade de Baçal
    The Abade de (Abbot of) Baçal Museum took over the former Episcopal Palace in 1915. Built in the 18th century, this was the official bishops residence for half of year as the diocese was split between Miranda do Douro and Bragança. The name pays due (...)

    Telephone: +351 273 331 595
    Fax: +351 273 323 242
    E-mail: mabadebacal@culturanorte.gov.pt
    Website: https://www.museuabadebacal.gov.pt/


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