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Number of results: 1312

  1. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Geológico

    Telephone: +351 21 346 39 15
    Fax: +351 21 342 46 09
    E-mail: museugeol@ineti.pt
    Website: http://e-geo.ineti.pt/MuseuGeologico/default.htm

  2. Museu Ibérico da Máscara e do Traje 
Place: Bragança
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Bragança
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Ibérico da Máscara e do Traje
    Opened in 2007, it is a space for unveiling the traditions related to the masks of the Northeast Transmontano and the Region of Zamora (partnership between the Municipality of Bragança and the Diputación of Zamora). Throughout the three floors of (...)

    Telephone: +351 273 381 008
    E-mail: museu.iberico@cm-braganca.pt
    Website: http://museudamascara.cm-braganca.pt/

  3. Museu Interativo Milagre de Fátima
Place: Fátima
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Interativo "O Milagre de Fátima"
    The story of the apparitions like no one ever told it... Through an innovative virtual, interactive walk, with latest generation multimedia contents, let us guide you on an unforgettable journey of experiences, sensations and emotions. With the (...)

    Telephone: +351 249 406 881 - 916 030 189
    E-mail: info@omilagredefatima.com
    Website: http://www.omilagredefatima.com

  4. Museu João Mário
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu João Mário
    This private museum contains the owner's collections, consisting of over four hundred figurative paintings and sculptures of various periods. In particular, there are important works by Columbano, Silva Porto, Roque Gameiro, Veloso Salgado, among (...)

    Telephone: +351 263 732 534
    Fax: +351 263 732 001
    E-mail: eratel@mail.telepac.pt

  5. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Joaquim Correia
    This mid-19th century palace was once the home of the family of José dos Santos Barosa, whose factory opened in 1911. The building houses the estate of the sculptor Joaquim Correia.Born into a family of glassmakers in Marinha Grande in 1920, Joaquim (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 568 801
    Fax: +351 244 561 710
    E-mail: museu.jcorreia@cm-mgrande.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-mgrande.pt

  6. Museu José Luciano de Castro
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu José Luciano de Castro

    Telephone: +351 231 512 245
    Fax: +351 231 511 338
    E-mail: scm.anadia@sapo.pt

  7. Museu Judaico de Belmonte
Photo: CM Belmonte
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Judaico de Belmonte
    Jewish Museum of BelmonteThe Jewish Museum of Belmonte was inaugurated in 2005; this cultural facility on Jewish heritage and identity has an exhibition focusing on the experience of Judaism in Belmonte, on the forms created by practices hidden by (...)

    Telephone: +351 275 088 698
    E-mail: empds.belmonte@gmail.com
    Website: https://cm-belmonte.pt/diretorio/museu-judaico/

  8. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Judaico de Carção
    Carção Jewish MuseumThe Carção Jewish Museum is a small space about the memory and the Marrana life (term of Spanish origin, referring to Jews forced to convert to Christianity, but who professed the Jewish faith in secret) and the culture of the (...)

    Telephone: +351 966 197 194
    E-mail: paulo.carcao@gmail.com

  9. Museu Luso-Hebraico de Abraham Zacuto - Sinagoga
Place: Tomar
Photo: José Manuel
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Luso-Hebraico de Abraham Zacuto (Abraham Zacuto Luso-Hebrew Museum) - Tomar Synagogue
    The Tomar Synagogue is the only Jewish religious building that has remained intact, almost unchanged and fully preserved, from the mid-15th century, when it was built, until today. It is a Renaissance building, erected at a time when the Jewish (...)

    Telephone: +351 249 329 814
    Fax: +351 249 329 811
    E-mail: museologia@cm-tomar.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-tomar.pt

  10. Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo
Photo: ARPT Centro de Portugal | Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo
    This unique museum provides an insight into the admirable and heroic adventure of the cod fisheries, and the remarkable ethnographic richness of the coastal populations, whose character is moulded by the rough seas to which they owe their survival. (...)

    Telephone: +351 234 329 990
    Fax: +351 234 321 797
    E-mail: museuilhavo@cm-ilhavo.pt
    Website: http://www.museumaritimo.cm-ilhavo.pt


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