
Restaurants and Cafés


Number of results: 2546

  1. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Calhetas

    Telephone: +351 291 984 380

  2. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Camões
    The one-storey white, clean building like the others on the street and in the town is easily identified by the unavoidable signboard and the curious brickwork trim around the doors and windows. There is something picturesque about it, and even more (...)

    Telephone: +351 284 475 209
    E-mail: ckamoes_bar@hotmail.com
    Website: https://www.facebook.com/www.restaurantecamoes.pt

  3. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Campo

    Telephone: +351 225 363 798
    E-mail: geral@restauranteocampo.com
    Website: http://www.restauranteocampo.com

  4. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Camponês

    Telephone: +351 232 665 225

  5. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Caneira

    Telephone: +351 21 967 09 05
    Fax: +351 21 967 08 01
    E-mail: caneira@caneira.com
    Website: http://www.caneira.com

  6. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Caneiro

    Telephone: +351 253 663 566
    E-mail: restaurante.carneiro@hotmaill.com
    Website: http://www.restaurantecaneiro.com

  7. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Caniço

    Telephone: +351 21 363 05 93

  8. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Cantinho do Avô

    Telephone: +351 243 428 303 / +351 96 294 32 09
    E-mail: amventurarodrigues@sapo.pt

  9. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Cão Que Fuma

    Telephone: +351 222 059 340

  10. Restaurants and Cafés
    O Capri

    Telephone: +351 234 751 293


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