
Restaurants and Cafés


Number of results: 2546

  1. Cova da Loba
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cova da Loba

    Telephone: +351 271 776 119 / +351 91 422 45 33
    E-mail: geral@covadaloba.com
    Website: http://www.covadaloba.com

  2. Restaurants and Cafés
    Cova Funda

    Telephone: +351 21 849 21 25

  3. Covas
    Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 258 828 376

  4. Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha Aberta

    Telephone: +351 252 633 481

  5. Cozinha da Sé
Place: Braga
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha da Sé

    Telephone: +351 253 277 343
    E-mail: geral@cozinhadase.pt
    Website: http://www.cozinhadase.pt

  6. Cozinha das Rainhas
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha das Rainhas

    Telephone: +351 262 955 360
    Fax: +351 262 955 369
    E-mail: reservas@senhorasrainhas.com
    Website: http://www.senhorasrainhas.com

  7. Cozinha da Terra
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha da Terra

    Telephone: +351 255 780 900
    E-mail: cozinhadaterra@gmail.com
    Website: https://www.cozinhadaterra.com

  8. Cozinha de Santo Humberto
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha de Santo Humberto
    It was an old cellar located in the jewess part of the city. This old cellar was converted, in 1971, in a Restaurant, preserving the regional and traditional gastronomy.Alentejo gastronomy was influenced by Arab people when they were in the Iberian (...)

    Telephone: +351 266 704 251
    Fax: +351 266 742 367
    Website: https://www.facebook.com/Cozinha.Santo.Humberto

  9. Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha do Convento

    Telephone: +351 251 640 090
    Fax: +351 251 640 091
    E-mail: geral@conventodoscapuchos.com
    Website: http://www.conventodoscapuchos.com

  10. Cozinha dos Loios
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Cozinha dos Lóios
    A unique space located in downtown Porto, in the historic center, that mixes the influences of French or Spanish cuisine on a menu for lovers of the Mediterranean diet. Top quality is guaranteed by the best national ingredients."Cozinha de Lóios" is (...)

    Telephone: +351 935 198 717
    E-mail: reservas@cozinhadosloios.pt
    Website: http://www.cozinhadosloios.pt


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