
Restaurants and Cafés


Number of results: 2546

  1. Restaurants and Cafés
    Fornos do Padeiro

    Telephone: + 351 214 694 148
    Fax: +351 214 694 147
    E-mail: fornosdopadeiro@bugifarol.pt
    Website: http://fornosdopadeiro.pt/

  2. Restaurants and Cafés
    Forno Transmontano

    Telephone: +351 292 593 137

  3. Restaurants and Cafés
    Forno Velho

    Telephone: +351 21 353 37 06
    Fax: +351 21 358 07 59

  4. Forte e Feio
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Forte e Feio

    Telephone: +351 282 413 809
    Fax: +351 282 414 143
    E-mail: madalena_1969@hotmail.com

  5. Restaurants and Cafés
    Foz Caffé

    Telephone: +351 258 332 485
    E-mail: fozcaffe@fozcaffe.com

  6. Restaurants and Cafés
    Foz do Banho

    Telephone: +351 282 913 860

  7. Restaurants and Cafés
    Foz do Cávado

    Telephone: +351 253 966 755

  8. Restaurants and Cafés
    Foz Velha

    Telephone: +351 22 615 41 78 / +351 91 881 81 47
    E-mail: mail@fozvelha.com
    Website: http://www.fozvelha.pt

  9. Frango à Guia
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Frango à Guia

    Telephone: +351 284 320 300
    E-mail: restaurantefrangoaguia@gmail.com

  10. Restaurants and Cafés
    Franguinho Real

    Telephone: +351 21 316 00 21
    Website: http://www.franguinhoreal.com.pt


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