
Restaurants and Cafés


Number of results: 2546

  1. Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 21 364 78 05

  2. Restaurants and Cafés
    Frei Contente

    Telephone: +351 21 347 59 22

  3. Restaurants and Cafés
    Frei Papinhas

    Telephone: +351 272 323 090
    Website: http://www.freipapinhas.no.sapo.pt

  4. Restaurants and Cafés
    Frei Papinhas - Alfama

    Telephone: +351 21 886 64 71

  5. Artemísia
    Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 226 062 286
    E-mail: info@cocinamestiza.pt
    Website: http://cocinamestiza.pt/

  6. Restaurants and Cafés
    Frutos do Mar

    Telephone: +351 261 416 588
    Fax: +351 261 412 481
    E-mail: frutosdomar@iol.pt

  7. Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 251 782 602

  8. Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 253 823 490

  9. Restaurants and Cafés
    Furnas do Guincho

    Telephone: +351 21 486 92 43 / +351 21 486 99 20
    Fax: +351 21 486 90 70
    E-mail: furnas.guincho@mail.telepac.pt
    Website: http://www.furnasdoguincho.pt

  10. Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 289 320 700
    Fax: +351 289 320 702
    E-mail: info@thelakeresort.com
    Website: http://www.thelakeresort.com


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