Number of results: 28
All About PortugalCost of livingBefore travelling, consult the indicated average prices of certain products and services, in order to gain an idea of the cost of living in Portugal.Food and drinksPrices vary in function of the type of establishment and whether or not the cost (...)
All About PortugalDrivingVehicles drive on the right in Portugal. Unless otherwise indicated, vehicles coming from the right have priority in squares and at intersections. At junctions with roundabouts, vehicles already on the roundabout have right of way.Road signs comply (...)
All About PortugalDuty and tax-free exemptionsEUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIESTravellers arriving from European Union countries can carry items for personal use in their luggage that do not exceed the following limits:Tobacco products:- 800 cigarettes- 400 cigarillos (cigars weighing not more than 3 (...)
All About PortugalElectricityThe electric current in Portugal is 230/400 volts at a frequency of 50 hertz and sockets comply with European standards.You will need a 230 volt transformer and an adaptor to use American-style flat-prong plugs.
All About PortugalEntry of petsEntry into Portugal of cats and dogs from other EU Member StatesIt is necessary to present a passport issued by a vet who has been accredited by the respective competent authority, which must: - contain indication of the owner’s name and address;- (...)
All About PortugalHealthIf you require medical assistance contact the local Health Centre.Hospital emergency services should be used only in serious situations (serious injury, poisoning, burns, infarction, thromboses, breathing difficulties, etc.).In case of illness or (...)
All About PortugalMealsAs a rule, the Portuguese have three meals a day. Between 7:30 and 10 a.m. they have a light breakfast consisting of a drink - white or black coffee or fruit juice - and toast or a sandwich, often in their local café or cake shop.The main meals are (...)
All About PortugalMoneyCurrencyPortugal is one of 20 European Union countries whose common official currency is the euro.1 euro is divided into 100 cents. The coins come in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, and 1 and 2 euros.The notes are differentiated by (...)
All About PortugalOfficial timeDuring winter time, i.e. from 1 a.m. on the last Sunday in October to 1 a.m. on the last Sunday in March, the official time in mainland Portugal and Madeira is the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).The rest of the year (between 1 a.m. on the last (...)
All About PortugalPassports and VisasCitizens of the European Union, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland only need their identity document to enter Portugal.Minors, in addition to their identity document, must present parental authorisation to travel.For countries (...)