Number of results: 28
All About PortugalPSP - Tourism Police StationsIn the Tourism Police Stations, you will find Police Officers that are trained to provide support to all Tourists in multiple languages and situations.-Esquadra de Turismo de Lisboa | Palácio FozPraça dos Restauradores - Palácio Foz1250-187 (...)
All About PortugalPublic holidaysNational holidaysNew Year’s Day - 1 January Freedom Day - 25 April Worker’s Day - 1 May Portugal Day - 10 June Feast of the Assumption - 15 August Implantation of the Republic - 5 OctoberAll Saints Day - 1 (...)
All About PortugalServicesBanksBanks are open to the public between 8:30 am and 3 pm, five business days a week.There are two ATM networks in Portugal: a national network identified as MB (Multibanco) and an international network identified as ATM (Automated Teller Machine), (...)
All About PortugalSmoking in public placesSince 1 January 2008, smoking has been prohibited in enclosed public spaces in Portugal. This ban extends to all government buildings, work places, public transport, healthcare establishments, laboratories and pharmacies, schools and other (...)
All About PortugalTax free - VAT ReimbursementVisitors to Portugal who are not resident in any of the European Union member states can be reimbursed for the VAT (Value Added Tax) paid on purchases that they have made in Portugal and are being transported in their personal luggage. Only private (...)
All About PortugalTollsPortugal has a good road network made up of motorways (Autoestradas – AE), main routes (Itinerários Principais - IP), complementary roads (Itinerários Complementares - IC), national roads (Estradas nacionais - EN) and municipal roads (Estradas (...)
All About PortugalTransportsAirPortugal’s excellent geographical position makes it a stopover point for many foreign airlines at airports all over the country:Lisbon - Humberto Delgado Airport - Phone: 218 413 500Oporto - Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport - Phone: 229 432 400Faro (...)
All About PortugalWeights and measures1 cm = 0.39 inches1 metre = 3.28 feet / 1.09 yards1 km = 0.62 miles1 litre = 0.26 gallons (USA) / 0.22 gallons (UK)1 inch = 2.54 cm1 foot = 0.39 metres1 yard = 0.91 metres1 mile = 1.6 km1 gallon (USA) = 3.78 litres1 gallon (UK) = 4.54 litres