Number of results: 223
OtherThe Caretos of PodenceIn the village of Podence, close to Macedo de Cavaleiros and 40 km from Bragança, Carnival is one of the most important events in the annual calendar. It's when the famous Caretos of Podence appear in the streets, diabolical figures that at this (...)
OtherThe Castelo de Vide Jewish QuarterThe best way in which to discover the Castelo de Vide Jewish Quarter is most definitely on foot. Leaving from the main D. Pedro V square, head along Rua de Santa Maria as far as the Castle. This is the perfect time to take a look around before (...)
OtherThe Chiado charmLocated on one of Lisbon´s hills, the Chiado evokes the bourgeois charm of its 19th century origins. The neighbourhood was then the cultural and social heart of the city, home to the São Carlos Opera House, the São Luís and Trindade theatres, (...)
OtherThe Cistercian Order in the Alto MinhoIn the green and pleasant land of the Alto Minho, located nearby the great rivers that flow from East to West, in unforgettable settings, we can discover four important nuclei of Cistercian monasteries – in locations that, from the 11th century (...)
OtherThe Cistercian Order to the south of the river DouroBeginning its trajectory in Spain, the river Douro crosses Portugal from east to west, flowing into the Atlantic, next to the city of Oporto. Until construction of the railway in the 19th century, the river served as the region's main access route, (...)
OtherThe cloister of the Sé Cathedral, ViseuComposed by two galleries, the lower gallery dates from the Renaissance period and the upper gallery was added in the first half of the 18th century.The Renaissance Gallery is very elegant with fine proportions, including the delicate work of the (...)
OtherThe conquest of LisbonPrior to entering the Church of the Martyrs, look over at the profile of the St George castle that stamps the horizon at the bottom of Rua Garrett, beyond the Chiado Shopping Centre. That is the very same perspective had by participants in the (...)
OtherThe Cultural Landscape of SintraIn 1995, Sintra gained the UNESCO Cultural Landscape classification. The town and the northern slope of the Serra de Sintra with its wonderful natural characteristics and impressive historic landmarks were thus accepted as worthy of world heritage (...)
OtherThe Douro LineThe 203-kilometre Douro railway line runs from Oporto to Barca d´Alva and was opened in 1887. The engineering difficulties in overcoming the natural features of the valley resulted in a grand total of 26 tunnels and 30 bridges. The result is an (...)
OtherThe heart of Lisbon - From the Praça do Comércio to the Praça do RossioThis route takes you through the Pombaline downtown, the zone of Lisbon that was reborn in the 18th century after the devastating earthquake of 1755. It was rebuilt according to an original layout as can be easily observed. Begin in the Praça do (...)