


Number of results: 366

  1. CIBA - Centro Interpretação Batalha Aljubarrota
    Museums and Palaces
    CIBA - Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota
    The Battle of Aljubarrota Interpretation Centre (CIBA) is a project that has been developed by the Fundação da Batalha de Aljubarrota in order to protect and enhance the heritage of the Military Camp of São Jorge.Located in the village of São Jorge, (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 480 060
    E-mail: info.geral@fundacao-aljubarrota.pt
    Website: http://www.fundacao-aljubarrota.pt

  2. CIFA - Centro de Interpretação da Fortificação abaluartada
Place: Campo Maior
Photo: CM Campo Maior
    Museums and Palaces
    CIFA - Centro Interpretativo da Fortificação Abaluartada

    Telephone: +351 268 680 319
    E-mail: turismo@cm-campo-maior.pt
    Website: https://campomaior.pt/centro-interpretativo-da-fortificacao- (...)

  3. CIPA - Centro Interpretativo do Património da Afurada
Place: Afurada
Photo: C. M. Vila Nova de Gaia
    Museums and Palaces
    CIPA – Centro Interpretativo do Património da Afurada

    Telephone: +351 227 710 093
    E-mail: cipa_pbiologico@cm-gaia.pt
    Website: http://www.parquebiologico.pt

  4. Ecomuseu da Marinha da Troncalhada
Place: Aveiro
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Aveiro
    Museums and Palaces
    Ecomuseu da Marinha da Troncalhada
    Transformed into an Ecomuseum, Troncalhada's saltpan shows its visitors the methods of artisanal salt production, exploring the landscape, the characteristic fauna and flora, as well as keeping alive the experiences and traditions linked to this (...)

    Telephone: +351 234 406 485
    E-mail: museucidade@cm-aveiro.pt
    Website: http://mca.cm-aveiro.pt/rede-de-museus/ecomuseu-marinha-da-t (...)

  5. Museums and Palaces
    Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal
    Founded in 1982, Seixal Municipal Ecomuseum mission is to research, preserve, document, interpret, enhance and promote evidence of Man and his environment, in relation to the territory and people of Seixal. This is part of a wider aim to contribute (...)

    Telephone: +351 210 976 112
    Fax: +351 210 976 113
    E-mail: ecomuseu@cm-seixal.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-seixal.pt

  6. Eco Palacete Borralho Relógio
Place: Cuba
    Museums and Palaces
    Eco Palacete Borralho Relógio
    You are most welcome to discover Cuba and unveil a secret well-kept for 140 years – the eco PBR Manor. By appointmnet you can enjoy a free guided tour addressing:- The Art Nouveau masterpieces of artistry and craftsmanship hang from the high (...)

    Telephone: +351 966 144 330 / 966 373 227
    E-mail: info@pbr.pt
    Website: http://www.pbr.pt

  7. Espaço Memória dos Exílios
Photo: CM Cascais
    Museums and Palaces
    Espaço Memória dos Exílios
    Exiles Memorial SpaceInaugurated in 1999, the Exiles Memorial Space preserves the memory of all those who found in Cascais and Estoril a "safe haven" during the various wars that devastated Europe in the 20th century, especially the Jews fleeing the (...)

    Telephone: +351 214 815 930
    E-mail: eme@cm-cascais.pt
    Website: https://cultura.cascais.pt/list/museu/espaco-memoria-dos-exi (...)

  8. Espaço Memória e Fronteira
Place: Melgaço
Photo: CM Melgaço
    Museums and Palaces
    Espaço Memória e Fronteira
    The Espaço Memória e Fronteira is one of the most interesting museums in Melgaço. Located at the old municipal slaughterhouse, which was restyled and expanded in 2007, this museum approaches the municipality’s contemporary history, specially the (...)

    Telephone: +351 251 418 106
    E-mail: memoriaefronteira@cm-melgaco.pt

  9. Fábrica-Museu Ameixas de Elvas
Place: Elvas
    Museums and Palaces
    Fábrica-Museu da Ameixa de Elvas
    Discover the secret of the Elvas Plums on a visit to the oldest factory of confectioned fruit still in operation.Visiting the Fábrica-Museu Ameixas de Elvas (Elvas Plum Factory-Museum) is a journey back in time until the early twentieth century, (...)

    Telephone: +351 268 628 364
    E-mail: serenofonseca@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.ameixas-elvas.com

  10. Museums and Palaces
    Fundação António Prates

    Telephone: +351 242 291 040
    Fax: +351 242 091 046
    E-mail: fundacaoprates@mail.telepac.pt


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