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Number of results: 15224
Tourism in a Manor HouseSolares de Portugal - Quinta da Bacelada
Telephone: +351 926 430 690
Tourism in the CountrySolares de Portugal - Quinta da Bemvisa
Telephone: +351 258 947 164
Fax: +351 258 947 294
Tourism in a Manor HouseSolares de Portugal - Quinta da CalçadaThe exact date of construction of this rustic house is unknown, although by the architectural style and archeological evidence, it is thought to be late 17th or early 18th Century. This farm setting in the most northerly village of Portugal is close (...)
Telephone: +351 251 402 547; +351 91 459 35 74
Fax: +351 21 797 50 68
Tourism in the CountrySolares de Portugal - Quinta da Matauinta da Mata is a house from the XVII century - with chapel, located at 3 km from the city of Chaves in the hillside of the “Serra do Brunheiro” surrounded by a thick forest and by copious sources of water.
Telephone: +351 276 340 030; +351 258 93 17 50
Fax: +351 276 340 038; +351 258 93 13 20
Tourism in the CountrySolares de Portugal - Quinta da PicariaAn authentic example of farming life in the 18th century, built predominantly with granite and wooden beams in the interior. Quinta da Picaria nestles in the rural region of Guimarei, a sleepy village near Santo Tirso, the perfect setting for (...)
Telephone: +351 252 891 297; +351 258 93 17 50
Fax: +351 252 860 409; +351 258 93 13 20
Tourism in a Manor HouseSolares de Portugal - Quinta da Ponte do Louro
Telephone: +351 96 68 29 470; 351 252 375 905; +351 258 93 17 50
Fax: +351 252 371 291; +351 258 93 13 20
E-mail: pontelouro@solaresdeportugal
Website: http://www.quintadolouro.com
Tourism in the CountrySolares de Portugal - Quinta da Praia das FontesIn the picturesque village of Alcochete, with the Tagus river estuary as the horizon, "Quinta da Praia das Fontes" is a special palace where you can enjoy the comfort of an up-to-date service in an environment used in former times by the nobility.A (...)
Telephone: +351 21 234 01 91; +351 258 93 17 50
Fax: +351 258 93 13 20
Tourism in a Manor HouseSolares de Portugal - Quinta da ProvaThe spacious, modern apartments at Quinta da Prova provide an excellent base for fishing, hunting, swimming and rambling. Unwind at this peaceful river-side setting with its surrounding woodland and enjoy the superb food at nearby restaurants.
Telephone: +351 258 931 750; +351 258 452 163; +351 228 312 365
Fax: +351 258 741 444; +351 258 452 163
Tourism in the CountrySolares de Portugal - Quinta das LavandasLocated in the Serra de São Mamede Natural Park, in Castelo de Vide, Quinta das Lavandas is a unique place in Portugal. The accommodation is located in a farm where lavender is the main protagonist, since there are planted 6 ha of Lavender. The main (...)
Telephone: +351 245 91 91 33; +351 91 726 46 55
Website: http://www.quintadaslavandas.pt
Tourism in a Manor HouseSolares de Portugal - Quinta da Veiga
Telephone: +351 935 533 656