


Number of results: 15265

  1. TDC Travel
Photo: TDC Travel
    Travel Agencies
    TDC Travel

    Telephone: +351 282 033 004
    E-mail: info@tdctravel.com
    Website: http://www.tdctravel.com

  2. Teal Viagens
Photo: Teal Viagens
    Travel Agencies
    Teal Viagens

    Telephone: +351 913 096 866
    E-mail: geral@tealviagenseturismo.pt
    Website: https://tealviagenseturismo.pt/

  3. Travel Agencies
    Team Quatro

    Telephone: +351 21 411 13 00
    Fax: +351 21 411 13 10
    E-mail: info@teamquatro.com

  4. Teatro Aberto 
Photo: Teatro Aberto
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Teatro Aberto
    Novo Grupo de Teatro is Teatro Aberto’s resident theater company and was funded in 1982. Our main activity is professional theater creation.The performances presented by Teatro Aberto are recognized for their dynamic settings, for the often awarded (...)

    Telephone: +351 213 880 086
    E-mail: relacoespublicas@teatroaberto.com
    Website: https://www.teatroaberto.com/

  5. Teatro Camões
    Teatro Camões
    The Camões Theatre was designed by the architect, Manuel Salgado, in respect for the guidelines designed for the public spaces of Expo ’98, which he also designed. Facing two buildings with a very prominent volumetry - the Pavilion of Knowledge and (...)

  6. TeCA
    Teatro Carlos Alberto
    The twelve-year span separating the destruction by fire of the Real Teatro de São João (1908) from the opening of the new Teatro de São João (1920) meant a golden opportunity which the other theatres in Porto quickly seized. All of them carried out (...)

  7. Teatro Nacional D. Maria II
    Teatro Nacional D. Maria II
    Founded by Almeida Garrett, and inaugurated in 1846, the D. Maria II National Theatre, designed by Italian architect Fortunato Lodi, has a neoclassical architectural style. The Theatre was virtually destroyed by fire in 1964 and re-opened to the (...)

  8. Teatro Nacional de  São João
    Teatro Nacional São João
    By initiative of Chief Magistrate Francisco de Almada e Mendonça and a group of private investors, the Real Teatro de São João was built from a project by Italian scenographer and architect Vincenzo Mazzoneschi. Officially inaugurated on May 13, (...)

  9. Teatro Tivoli
    Teatro Tivoli
    Inaugurated in 1924, the Tivoli Theatre designed by the architect, Raul Lino presents a facade of neoclassical inspiration, and a sumptuous Louis XIV style interior decoration.The building was subject to restoration works in the 1990s that restored (...)

  10. Tectur
    Tectur - Rotas Turísticas

    Telephone: +351 911 835 312
    E-mail: tectur@tectur.pt
    Website: http://www.tectur.pt


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