IdentificationCyclists must carry valid identification at all times. You don't need a driver's licence.Wearing a helmetWearing a helmet is recommended, but not compulsory. Wearing a helmet is only compulsory on electrically-assisted bicycles with a maximum continuous power rating of more than 0.25 kW or on motorcycles that can travel at more than 25km/hour.InsuranceIt is not compulsory to have civil liability insurance.Traffic rules- Bicycles can be ridden on all roads, cycle paths, lanes reserved for public transport and roadsides, as long as they do not endanger the safety of pedestrians. Children up to the age of 10 are not allowed on the rides.- Lights are compulsory at the front and rear. They should be used at night, dawn, dusk and in adverse weather conditions.- The use of headphones and mobile phones is prohibited, with the exception of devices with a single earpiece or a microphone with a speakerphone system.- Cyclists have priority over other vehicles at crossroads if there are no signs to the contrary.- Motorists must always keep a minimum distance of 1.5m from bicycles.Transporting bicycles by carBicycles should preferably be transported on the roof of vehicles. Exceptionally, they may be carried at the rear provided that they do not exceed the width of the vehicles, do not extend more than 450 mm to the rear beyond their surrounding contour, and do not cover the licence plate or prevent the correct identification of signalling and lighting devices.Further information and clarification can be obtained from IMT - Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes ( on public transport- TrainBicycles can be taken free of charge on urban and regional trains every day and at all times, in the carriages identified for this purpose, depending on the space available. The user must be careful not to obstruct doors, so as not to hinder passenger entry and exit.For more information, visit Lisbon city buses (Carris)Only a few routes allow bicycles to be transported during their operating hours. Information on Bike Bus - Lisbon MetroA maximum of two bicycles per carriage is permitted, provided there are no large crowds of passengers. For more information, see Porto MetroTransport of bicycles is permitted every day, on all lines and timetables, as long as the carriages are not full. For more information, see Bicycle toursIf you are going on a bike ride in natural or protected areas, you are advised to consult the Portuguese authorities' recommendations for safety and fire prevention, in the document “Portugal Chama. Por ti. Por todos.”Get more information about trails and bike rides at If you want to rent a bicycle, you can consult the list of companies here.In many Portuguese cities, bicycles can be rented through local or international platforms, which allow you to travel more sustainably and get to know places at your own pace. When planning your trip, check with the local tourist offices for information.Electric bikesBefore you travel, check whether your bike's charging mode is available at your accommodation, on the public network or whether you can charge it from a normal power socket. In Portugal we follow the European standard, 230/400 volts, frequency 50 hertz.If needed, check out the network of electric vehicle charging points at or