Museums, Monuments and Sites
Number of results: 1321
MonumentsIgreja do Santo CristoChurch of Santo CristoThe Church of Santo Cristo was built in the 16th century. The interior includes gilded woodwork and a beautiful collection of statues.
Telephone: +351 295 732 514
MonumentsSantuário da Senhora do PilarSanctuary of the Senhora do Pilar Carmelite sanctuary composed of a church built in 1680, using the stone blocks of a former fortress.In the route into the fortification the remains of a roman fort - Lanhoso - are maintained as well as a Way of the (...)
Telephone: +351 253 631 129
MonumentsIgreja do Salvador de Real
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709
MonumentsMosteiro de São Martinho de Mancelos
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709
MonumentsColégio de São PedroSituated next to the Porta Férrea with its main façade facing towards the open courtyard is the Colégio de São Pedro. Built in the 18th century, in the national Mannerist style of extremely sober lines, this college has an exuberant baroque portal (...)
Telephone: +351 239 859 800
Fax: +351 239 825 841
MonumentsIgreja de São LourençoThe 17th century Church of São Lourenço belonged to the Order of Santiago. The unadorned exterior contrasts with the decorative riches inside.There are the carvings on the main altar, where it is possible to make out the Cross of Santiago, and on (...)