
Museums, Monuments and Sites

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Number of results: 1321

  1. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Arqueológico de Sines
    This museum illustrates the human occupation of the Sines area since the Palaeolithic era, the main attractions being the "Treasure of Gaio" (7th century B.C.) and the engraved stones of the Visigothic Basilica (7th century A.D.).

    Telephone: +351 269 632 330
    Fax: +351 269 633 022

  2. Museu Arqueologico do Carmo_logo
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Arqueológico do Carmo / Convento do Carmo
    The Convent do Carmo (Carmelite) was founded by Nuno Álvares Pereira, Constable and loyal knight to king João I, for whom he fought at the 1385 battle of Aljubarrota in defence of the Portuguese nation. After feeling he had completed his military (...)

    Telephone: +351 213 460 473 / +351 213 478 629
    E-mail: secretaria@arqueologos.pt
    Website: https://www.museuarqueologicodocarmo.pt/

  3. Museu Arqueológico Martins Sarmento
Place: Guimarães
Photo: CM Guimarães
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Arqueológico Martins Sarmento
    The Martins Sarmento Society is a cultural institution founded in 1881. It holds a diversified and valuable patrimony, including the Martins Sarmento Archaeological Museum, main reference of pre-roman cultures in Portugal and one of the most (...)

    Telephone: +351 253 415 969
    E-mail: sms@msarmento.org
    Website: http://www.csarmento.uminho.pt

  4. Museu Bernardino Machado
Place: Vila Nova de Famalicão
Photo: Museu Bernardino Machado
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Bernardino Machado

    Telephone: +351 252 377 733
    E-mail: museu@bernardinomachado.org
    Website: http://www.bernardinomachado.org

  5. Museu-Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança - Paço Ducal e Castelo de Vila Viçosa
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu-Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança - Paço Ducal e Castelo de Vila Viçosa
    Now operating as a museum, the Palace of Vila Viçosa was one of the favourite residences of the Portuguese royal family during many centuries.The Palace of Vila Viçosa was built in the 16th century, on the orders of King D. Jaime, the fourth Duke of (...)

    Telephone: +351 268 980 659
    Fax: +351 268 989 808
    E-mail: palacio.vilavicosa@fcbraganca.pt
    Website: http://www.fcbraganca.pt

  6. Museu Calouste Gulbenkian
Place: Lisboa
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Calouste Gulbenkian
    Inaugurated in 1969, the museum houses the remarkable private collection of Calouste Gulbenkian. The building was constructed in keeping with the most modern concepts of museum architecture, designed in such a way as to remain in close harmony with (...)

    Telephone: +351 21 782 30 00
    Fax: +351 21 782 30 32
    E-mail: museu@gulbenkian.pt
    Website: https://gulbenkian.pt/museu/

  7. Museu Carlos Machado
Photo: Turismo Açores
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Carlos Machado
    Carlos Machado Museum The Carlos Machado Museum has been housed since 1943 in the former Convent of Santo André. The collection includes the natural history collections assembled by Carlos Maria Gomes Machado, the museum's founder.On the ground (...)

    Telephone: +351 296 283 814
    Fax: +351 296 629 504
    E-mail: museu.cmachado.edu@azores.gov.pt
    Website: http://museucarlosmachado.azores.gov.pt

  8. Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães
Photo: Rui Cunha
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães
    The Museum Condes de Castro Guimarães, the former "Torre de S. Sebastião", was built in 1900 by Jorge O'Neill. A classic example of "summer architecture", the building features ecletic elements, inviting visitors to enter a kingdom of fantasy and (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 214 815 303
    E-mail: mccg@cm-cascais.pt
    Website: https://bairrodosmuseus.cascais.pt/list/museu/museu-condes-d (...)

  9. Museu D. Diogo de Sousa
Place: Braga
Photo: DR Cultura Norte
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu D. Diogo de Sousa
    The collection of the D. Diogo de Sousa Regional Museum includes archaeological finds from across the Braga region. The collection covers vast chronological and cultural periods stretching from the Palaeolithic through to the Middle Ages.The Roman (...)

    Telephone: +351 253 273 706 / 253 615 844
    Fax: +351 253 612 366
    E-mail: mdds@culturanorte.gov.pt
    Website: https://www.museuddiogodesousa.gov.pt/

  10. Museums and Palaces
    Museu da Água da EPAL
    The Barbadinhos Steam Pumping Station, the site of the museum, is an 18th-century industrial installation, and a rarity of industrial archaeology. Among the exhibits are large steam engines, pumps and other industrial items, meticulously preserved, (...)

    Telephone: +351 21 810 02 15
    E-mail: mda.epal@adp.pt
    Website: https://www.epal.pt/EPAL/menu/museu-da-%C3%A1gua


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