Museums, Monuments and Sites
Number of results: 1321
ArchaeologyEstação arqueológica romana da LuzRoman archaeological station of LuzA Roman "villa" excavated in the 19th century, whose main features include the Roman bath-house, with various outbuildings and the mosaic pavements. An industrial complex was also discovered, constituted by fish (...)
MonumentsCastelo de LinharesThe enclosed area is still defined by two towers with several levels and machicolations. The outer walls form undulations and slopes, in keeping with the configuration of their rocky foundations.
MonumentsCapela de São Sebastião - BragaThe first references to the Brotherhood of Saint Sebastian in Braga appear in the middle of the 14th century. In the following century, the brotherhood set about building a chapel dedicated to its saint. However, the current chapel is a (...)
MonumentsCastelo de EstremozAmongst the mediaeval fortifications are the quite unusual keep (the 13-14C "tower of the three crowns") built of local stone, some sections of wall, towers, gates and the Torre das Couraças (The Tower of Armour). The upper town inside the castle (...)
MonumentsChafariz da JunqueiraDated from 1821, this fountain is coloured azulejo tile panels on the surrounding wall and benches. An armillary sphere bearing the royal arms.It is attributed to the architect Honorato J. C. Macedo.
Museums and PalacesMuseu Municipal de Vila Franca de XiraThe Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira is composed of several centres, at which the various museum services have been distributed: 1. Palácio do SobralinhoA 17th-century palace which acts as the head office of the Museum Department and also (...)
Telephone: +351 263 280 350
Fax: +351 263 280 358
Museums and PalacesMuseu José Luciano de Castro
Telephone: +351 231 512 245
Fax: +351 231 511 338
MonumentsCapela de D. Fradique de Portugal - EstremozChurch from the 15th c. in gothic style, modified in the 16th c. in renaissance style.
MonumentsIgreja de Santa Maria de Veade
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709
Museums and PalacesCentro de Interpretação da Batalha do VimeiroThe Battle of Vimeiro Interpretation CentreLocated in the countryside where the decisive battle that ended the first French invasion of Portugal was fought, the Battle of Vimeiro Interpretation Centre (CIBV) is a tourist amenity in the municipality (...)
Telephone: +351 261 988 471