Museums, Monuments and Sites
Number of results: 1320
MonumentsForte de São Bruno de CaxiasDe forma geométrica, o Forte de São Bruno é constutuído a norte por um baluarte com duas guaritas e por um revelim do lado de terra. A porta de armas é encimada por um escudo real desartilhado. Depois da guerra civil, foi utilizado como Posto Fiscal.
MonumentsIgreja Paroquial de Vilar de MourosThe Parish Church of Vilar de Mouros, or church of Santa Eulália, was built in 1555 under the supervision of master Francisco Lourenço.The church underwent renovation in the 17th and 18th centuries. The building brings together the Manueline, (...)
Museums and PalacesMuseu Municipal de Benavente e Núcleo Museológico Agrícola
Telephone: +351 263 519 665 / 962 018 630
MonumentsCapela de Nossa Senhora das AngústiasChapel of Nossa Senhora das Angústias The Chapel of Nosas Senhora das Angústias was commissioned in the 18th century in tribute to the survival of two Spanish nobleman who had escaped a shipwreck.
MonumentsPaços do ConcelhoRoyal Council BuildingThe Praça do Município (Municipal Square), with its harmonious proportions and enclosed by Pombaline buildings, was built after the earthquake of 1755 to house the Senate whose palace had been in Rossio. By shifting the Senate (...)
MonumentsCastelo de Freixo de Espada à CintaThe unusual Torre do Galo (Cockerel's Tower) still remains standing. This is a heptagonal tower which once formed part of the castle reconstructed by D. Dinis. There are sections of wall encircling the 16C Manueline parish church. In the tower's (...)
MonumentsTorre do Relógio - CaminhaClock TowerCrenellated tower belonging to the medieval city walls, classified as a national monument. The tower bestrides one of the old city gates, in the form of a double arch.
Museums and PalacesFundação António Prates
Telephone: +351 242 291 040
Fax: +351 242 091 046
MonumentsConvento dos CapuchosThe convento dos Capuchos (Franciscan/Capuchin convent) was built in the 16th century with structural and ornamental alterations made in the 18th century due to the damage caused by the 1755 earthquake. The convent was home to the hooded friars of (...)
Telephone: +351 21 290 00 56
Fax: +351 21 290 55 11
Museums and PalacesCasa Etno-Museu Dr. Marcelino MoulesDr. Marcelino Moules Ethno-museum/HouseThe Dr. Marcelino Moules Eco-museum is constituted by three nuclei. It is possible to visit Atafona - a manual or horse driven mill; the Barn adapted to a kitchen and bar; and the house itself, which features (...)
Telephone: +351 295 907 063 - 295 907 169
Fax: +351 295 907 063