
Restaurants and Cafés


Number of results: 2546

  1. Restaurants and Cafés
    Verso em Pedra

    Telephone: +351 222 058 009
    Website: http://www.versoempedra.com

  2. Restaurants and Cafés
    Pavilhão de Caça

    Telephone: +351 229 955 107

  3. Restaurants and Cafés
    Restaurante Residencial Sampaio

    Telephone: +351 225 449 250
    E-mail: restauranteresidencialsampaio@hotmail.com

  4. Restaurants and Cafés
    Adega Regional "O Barrote"

    Telephone: +351 253 963 884

  5. A Taberna do Lavrador
    Restaurants and Cafés
    A Taberna do Lavrador
    Typical restaurant with rustic and intimate ambiance. Placed in Cambra village in the north of Serra do Caramulo.Stone walls rooms with fireplace occupies a relatevely small area with two distinct rooms in a typical house from this region. It serves (...)

    Telephone: +351 232 778 111
    Fax: +351 232 778 111
    E-mail: joaocorujo@tabernadolavrador.com
    Website: http://www.tabernadolavrador.com

  6. Restaurants and Cafés
    A Tapadinha

    Telephone: +351 21 364 04 82
    Fax: +351 21 363 58 67
    E-mail: tapadinha@tapadinha.com
    Website: http://www.tapadinha.com

  7. Restaurants and Cafés
    Dona Amélia

    Telephone: +351 291 225 784
    Fax: +351 291 224 629

  8. Tromba Rija
    Restaurants and Cafés
    Tromba Rija

    Telephone: +351 244 852 277
    Fax: +351 244 856 421
    E-mail: elisabete@trombarija.com
    Website: http://www.trombarija.com

  9. Restaurants and Cafés
    Rio Homem

    Telephone: +351 253 351 136
    E-mail: info@pensaoriohomem.com
    Website: http://www.pensaoriohomem.com

  10. Restaurants and Cafés

    Telephone: +351 939 334 565
    E-mail: geral@casadoxisto.com
    Website: http://www.casadoxisto.com


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