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Number of results: 540

  1. Festas de Lisboa
    Festivities of Lisbon
    With a whiff of summer in the air, the Festivities of Lisbon offer a full program of entertainment activities that will invade Lisbon’s oldest neighbourhoods, luring thousands of people into the streets. Santo António, highly respected and (...)

    Website: https://egeac.pt/festas/festas-de-lisboa/

  2. Festas Fim de Ano - Madeira
Photo: Henrique Seruca
    Christmas and New Year's Eve in Madeira
    If there’s a place to come and celebrate life, then that place is Madeira. As each year draws to a close, the end is commemorated of yet another cycle of 365 days that have been lived as intensely as our memory allows us to recall. The (...)

    Website: https://eventsmadeira.com/evento/festas-de-natal-e-fim-de-an (...)
    https://eventsmadeira.com/en/event/christmas-and-newyears-ev (...)

  3. Festa da Flor 2024
    Madeira Flower Festival
    In Madeira, springtime is honoured like a queen, being crowned with the Flower Festival, held every year after Easter. In celebrating springtime and the exuberance of the flowers that typically bloom in that season, and here with even greater (...)

    Website: https://eventsmadeira.com/evento/festa-da-flor-2/

  4. Carnaval da Madeira 2024
    Madeira Carnival festivities
    Carnival officially begins on the Friday before Lent and only ends on Shrove Tuesday, with the whole island being caught up in the intense and contagious liveliness. The Carnival festival in Madeira is one of the region’s liveliest festivals. (...)

    Website: https://eventsmadeira.com/evento/carnaval/

  5. Festas de São João
Place: Porto
    Feasts of São João
    Celebrate the feasts of São João, the most revered saint of Oporto, held on the night of 23rd June. The feasts of São João, of pagan origin and associated with the celebration of the summer solstice, are marked by dancing, eating and fireworks. 

    Website: https://visitporto.travel/en-GB/sao-joao-is-back-celebrated- (...)

  6. Festival Terras sem sombra 2024
    “Terras sem Sombra” Festival
    Come and enjoy the best of sacred music being played at some of the most beautiful monuments in the Alentejo, while delving into the region’s traditions and historical roots. Besides providing a showcase for the talent of internationally recognised (...)

    Website: https://terrassemsombra.pt/

  7. Feira Nacional Cavalo 2024
    National Horse Fair
    Witness the National Horse Fair in November in Golegã, a region where the equestrian tradition is deeply rooted. This is one of the country's most typical fairs, attracting thousands of people to the various events featuring the magnificent (...)

    Website: https://feiranacionaldocavalo.com/

  8. Agitágueda 2025
    Every year in July, the Agitágueda Festival brings a lot of colour and animation to this city in the heart of Portugal.This event, held in the city centre along the river, is world renowned for the originality of the Umbrella Sky Project, where over (...)

    Website: https://www.agitagueda.com/

  9. Semana Santa - Braga
    Holy Week Festivals - Braga
    Experience Holy Week in the ancient city of Braga, in the region Porto e Norte.The city is decorated with motifs related to the occasion and the passos, street-side altars, are filled with flowers and lights, complementing the sumptuousness of (...)

    Website: http://www.semanasantabraga.com

  10. NOS Alive 2025
    NOS Alive
    In July don't miss NOS Alive and the chance to see performances by some of the top current bands, in an event that combines music and art. Further than music, NOS Alive Includes the distinctive feature of a space dedicated to urban art, where new (...)

    Website: http://www.nosalive.com


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