Number of results: 887
MonumentsIgreja de São Miguel de Moroça - Matriz de Leça de PalmeiraThe Leça da Palmeira Matrix Church was built at the very time Portugal was founded. It then became known as the "Church of S. Miguel de Moroça". This old construction is small and hugs the ground. Built in worked stone, both inside and outside, the (...)
Telephone: +351 229 952 434
MonumentsRuínas da Torre de LangalhãoRuins of the Torre de LangalhaoA medieval tower built for defensive purposes. The tower stands on the road connecting Pereiro with Milheiros and is also known as Torre da Murta.
MonumentsErmida de Nossa Senhora da Piedade - TomarA 14th-century sanctuary on the outskirts of the city.The Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy - former Chapel of Our Lady of the Hill - was built in 1397 by the governor of Óbidos, a village where the Virgin is a patron saint and recipient of particular (...)
Telephone: +351 249 322 427
MonumentsForte de Santo António da Barra ou Forte VelhoThe fort is situated at the entrance to São João do Estoril, close to the coast road and a thick wood. As it is the oldest of the forts in the area, it has become known as the "Forte Velho".
MonumentsIgreja Matriz ou de Nossa Senhora da SalvaçãoSituated in the Largo do Adro, the parish church is famous for its exuberantly decorated Manueline doorway with pilasters displaying Renaissance motifs, 17th-century patterned tiles and, on the inside, extremely interesting Manueline paintings.The (...)
Telephone: +351 263 975 268
Fax: +351 263 975 268
MonumentsFonte Gótica - OurémGothic Fountain Comprises two ogee arches. The arms of the Counts of Ourem are carved over the tank. A tablet bears an inscription stating that the fountain was built on the order of Count D. Afonso in 1434. Dates from the fifteenth century.
MonumentsErmida de São Sebastião - FaroHermitage of São Sebastião - FaroThe only surviving vestiges of the mediaeval building is the Gothic chapel with a carved vaulted ceiling. The interior includes an 18th-century gilded woodwork altarpiece in the main chapel and 17th-century (...)
MonumentsSantuário do Senhor dos MilagresThe sanctuary was constructed in memory of a miracle reputed to have taken place here in 1728. According to legend, Our Lord Jesus answered the appeal of a paralysed man. On his cure, he put up a panel invoking the miracle. This then attracted other (...)
Telephone: +351 244 851 035
MonumentsIgreja de Santa Maria de Jazente
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709