Number of results: 887
MonumentsSantuário de Nossa Senhora da SaúdeSanctuary of Nossa Senhora da SaúdeAt the end of the second world war, the Catholic Action movement made an effort to increase Christian worship amongst workers and farmers. A priest, had a strong affinity with Póvoa, organized a pilgrimage from (...)
Telephone: +351 252 682 148
MonumentsErmida de Nossa Senhora de Monserrate - ÓbidosThis originally Gothic chapel was rebuilt at the end of the 16th century. It has been the home of the Third Order of St. Francis since 1730.Amongst the notable features on the inside of the chapel are the Spanish-Moorish tiles of the high altar.
Telephone: +351 262 959 138
MonumentsIgreja da Misericórdia de SantarémThe Misericórdia is a charitable institution that was founded in Santarém in 1502 by Frei Martinho de Molina. At that time, it was housed in the Hospital de Jesus Cristo. It was not until 1559 that the Queen Regent D. Catarina, acting on behalf of (...)
MonumentsPortas e Baluartes em EstremozThe city has a vast set of fortifications: Your attention is drawn to the ramparts and the gates which were once given their own separate official classification: Porta de Santo António, Porta de Santa Catarina, Porta de Currais and Porta de Évora.
MonumentsIgreja de Fonte Arcada - CruzeiroChurch from the 13th c. in Romanesque style.
MonumentsIgreja de Fonte ArcadaThis is a Romanesque church that was subjected to various alterations in the 16th century.Its façade is dominated by the semicircular arched doorway, whose voussoirs and imposts are decorated with half-spheres, a relief-carved cross and a belfry (...)
MonumentsSantuário de Nossa Senhora do CarmoCarmelite sanctuary with a stone high-altar including allegorical images of Nossa Senhora do Carmo.The sanctuary is situated on top of the Monte de Água Levada, and includes a Friary House.A pilgrimage is held on July 16.
Telephone: +351 252 961 107
MonumentsTorre de GomarizDated from the sixteenth century, it's a rectangular tower with three storeys, topped by rampart walks. Cornice decorated with an undulating line and gargoyles.Attached to the tower are a residential wing and a chapel.