Number of results: 884
MonumentsIgreja de São João Baptista - Cimo de Vila da CastanheiraChurch from the 13th / 14th c. in romanesque style.
MonumentsSantuário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Vila ViçosaThe altar of the Patroness of Portugal.The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Conception, in Vila Viçosa, is also known as the Solar of the Patron because it preserves the image that in 1646 was declared Patroness of Portugal, and is considered one of the (...)
Telephone: +351 268 980 399
MonumentsIgreja de São Francisco / Convento de Santo AntónioThere has been a convent here since 1463. That was the year it was founded under the patronage of the Infant Fernando, brother of king Afonso V, before being rehoused in 1502 by king Manuel I. In the church´s profile, the cylindrical buttresses (...)
Telephone: +351 284 549 416
MonumentsForte de MilfontesFrom its rocky pedestal, the fort opens onto a draw-bridge; the moat is filled with flowers, ivy climbs up the walls and the inside has the appearance of a manor-house. It was built at the suggestion of Massai (16-17C).
MonumentsCapela de São Torcato - MosteiroChapel from the 12th c. in romanesque style.
MonumentsIgreja de Santo António - TaviraThe Church of Santo António began construction in 1606 to be donated to the Capuchin monks. The convent buildings were destroyed in the 17th century with only the small cloister and church surviving to be handed over to the Friars of Saint Anthony (...)
MonumentsLargo do ApoioIn what was the first square in the old part with features of medieval urbanism in the city of Barcelos, we find a fountain in the Renaissance tradition, dated 1621, attributed to João Lopes. Other buildings of interest in the square are the Casa (...)
MonumentsFonte da VilaFonte da VilaThe square-shaped fountain in Castelo de Vide was built in the 15th century. It is covered by a porch supported by marble columns, topped by a pyramidical pinewood roof covering. On each of the four sides, it is possible to see the (...)
MonumentsCapela romano-gótica de São SalvadorThe Capela de São Salvador, built in the Romanesque-Gothic style, is a remarkable work of architecture. The two high, wide, round and chamfered arches that formed the spans of its single nave have resisted the ravages of time. These robust arches (...)