Number of results: 884
MonumentsTorre da CidadeRectangular tower with three storeys, with an ogee door on the north side. Probably the keep belonging to the city walls built by King Ferdinand. Rebuilt in 1941.
MonumentsCapela de Nossa Senhora da Ponte - BarcelosFoi instituída em 1328 e reformulada no séc. XVII, sob o alpendre podem ainda ver-se os bancos e pias de pedra (lava-pés) para descanso dos peregrinos.
MonumentsIgreja de São Tiago, matriz de EstombarChurch from the 16th / 17th c. in mannerist style, modified in the 18th c. in baroque style.
Telephone: 28223270
MonumentsIgreja da Misericórdia da LourinhãDated 1626, the architectural value of this church lies in its extremely interesting stone doorway, carved in the characteristic Manueline style.
MonumentsForte de Santa de CatarinaRectangular in shape and with a turret on each corner, this fort stands to the south of the harbour bar on a high sheer cliff. Inside its walls is a small chapel dedicated to Santa Catarina, with a Gothic portal.
MonumentsErmida de Nossa Senhora da AjudaHermitage of Nossa Senhora da Ajuda The rocky massif and merlons crowning the slopes, endow the Hermitage of Nossa Senhora da Ajuda with the appearance of a fortress.Inside, a pointed arched doorway leads to the sacristy built at the end of the 15th (...)
Telephone: +351 295 712 120
MonumentsCastelo de Alcácer do SalSome sections still remain of the mud and stone wall that once surrounded the town. The central fortress was adapted to form a convent.You can still see the ruins of the Convent and Church of Santa Maria do Castelo, built in the Romanesque-Gothic (...)
MonumentsIgreja Paroquial de S. PedroParish Church of São PedroThe Parish Church of São Pedro was built around 1750.With a baroque exterior, the single nave interior has an octagonal lay out. Key features include the altarpiece with a gilded woodwork altarpiece, the 15th century statue (...)
MonumentsMosteiro do Salvador, de Freixo de BaixoHalfway between Amarante and Lixa, to the north-west, is the well-preserved church of Freixo de Baixo, its Romanesque features still clearly visible.Immediately notable is the quadrangular tower at the side of the church, a defensive feature that (...)
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709