Number of results: 875
MonumentsPonte de Fundo de Rua
Telephone: +351 255 810 706
Fax: +351 255 810 709
MonumentsCapela do Espírito SantoIn the 16th century, at the time the Portalegre Misericórdia was founded, the Church and the Consistory were built within the city while the Hospital was established in the Largo do Rossio, incorporating the 14th century chapel belonging to the (...)
MonumentsIgreja de Santo António - Alcácer do SalLocated on the upper Rossio, the church of Santo António is all that remains of the Franciscan convent that bore the same name. Entrance is gained through an attractive porch displaying renaissance features. Once inside, take a look at the lateral (...)
MonumentsIgreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da AssunçãoChurch from the 16th c. in manueline style.
MonumentsIgreja de São João Baptista Matriz de Ponte da BarcaChurch from the 16th c. with mannerist structure and baroque decoration.
MonumentsForte de São João das MaiasAlthough some restoration work was carried out in 1868, the fort was not remounted with cannons and, as was frequently the case with coastal fortifications that were no longer needed for coastal defence purposes, it fell into disuse and was (...)
MonumentsIgreja de Nossa Senhora da GuiaChurch of Nossa Senhora da GuiaThe Church of Nossa Senhora da Guia, attached to the convent of São Francisco, was built in the 18th century.The interior of the three naves, divided by two levels of arches includes a valuable heritage collection. (...)
Telephone: +351 295 213 148
Fax: +351 295 213 137
MonumentsIgreja da Misericórdia de MoncorvoThe Igreja da Misericórdia in Moncorvo was built in the 16th century. It has a sober-looking exterior, in which the most notable feature is the simply decorated Renaissance doorway.For some time, the building was used as the meeting place for the (...)
MonumentsCastelo de AlvitoThis surprising building is an almost unique example of its kind in Portugal. Built at the end of the fifteenth century in the reign of D. João II, but only completed in the reign of D. Manuel II, it was designed by D. Diogo da Silveira, the 2nd (...)
MonumentsSantuário de Nossa Senhora das PazesSanctuary of Nossa Senhora das PazesThis hermitage was built in order to symbolize the unity between the people of Ficalho and the neighbouring Spanish settlement of Rosal de la Frontera. The site is of little architectural interest. The only items (...)
Telephone: 28458108