Number of results: 887
MonumentsIgreja de São PedroChurch of São Pedro The Church of São Pedro was built in the 18th century. Notable features of the exterior include the contrasts of the black carved masonry work that distinguishes Azorean churches.The ample interior includes the main chapel, with (...)
MonumentsPedra da AudiênciaThe Pedra da Audiência is a unique monument of Portuguese civil architecture. Consisting of a table and three benches, all made of granite, it was used as an outdoor court for many trials presided over by an ordinary judge. This small court (...)
MonumentsIgreja e Claustro de Nossa Senhora dos AnjosChurch from the 15th / 16th c. in manueline style, modified in the 17th c. in proto-baroque style.
MonumentsIgreja Matriz de São MiguelChurchThe foundation of this 13th-century Romanesque church is associated with Egas Moniz.The three naves on the inside are marked out by rows of cylindrical columns. The most notable features of its façade are the archivolted doorway and the (...)
MonumentsForte da Praia da ConsolaçãoThe fort is located next to the beach of the same name. The gate is crowned by the royal coat of arms. The bridge over the moat is supported by two vaulted galleries.
MonumentsErmida de Nossa Senhora de FátimaHermitage of Nossa Senhora de FátimaErected in 1925, this Hermitage was the second church dedicated to Nossa Senhora de Fátima to be built in the world.Access to the church is achieved via a 150-step stone staircase, equivalent to the number of (...)
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MonumentsIgreja de Nossa Senhora da ConceiçãoAmongst the most notable features of the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição are an interesting early 19th-century organ and an alabaster statue of the Virgin Mary. The church previously belonged to a former Franciscan convent built in the 18th (...)