Number of results: 885
MonumentsIgreja de Nossa Senhora da ConceiçãoChurch of Nossa Senhora da ConceiçãoThe Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição was built in the 18th century and pertained to a former Franciscan convent.With a Church Porch and cornices made of black lava, it has a fine nave decorated with gilded (...)
MonumentsIgreja de São MateusChurch of São Mateus - UrzelinaThe new Church of Urzelina, dedicated to São Mateus, is a large Church. The exterior includes a basalt masonry façade.
Telephone: +351 295 416 484
Fax: +351 295 416 966
MonumentsIgreja de São Pedro - ElvasRomanesque-gothic church from the 12th c., modified in the 17th and 18th c. in baroque style
MonumentsIgreja de São João das Donas ou de São João de Santa CruzChurch from the 16th c. in manueline style.
MonumentsIgreja de São PedroChurch of São Pedro – Vila do PortoThe Church of São Pedro was founded in the 18th century.Notable features include the façade, main entrance and carved stone main window. The interior includes fine gilded woodwork and the arch of the main chapel (...)
Telephone: +351 296 884 167
MonumentsIgreja de Santiago, matriz de Santiago do CacémGothic church from the 13th c., modified in the 16th c. in manueline style.
MonumentsIgreja de AlmosterGothic church from the 13th c., modified in the 18th c. in baroque style.
MonumentsConvento de Nossa Senhora do EspinheiroA convent converted into a hotel.According to the legend that surrounds the creation of this convent, Our Lady appeared to a shepherd on a burning hawthorn tree. In 1412, a hermitage was built on the spot, a small oratory erected by a canon from (...)
Telephone: +351 266 788 200