Number of results: 15174
MonumentsSantuário do Bom Jesus do MonteTo reach the Bom Jesus Sanctuary, you can go by foot, car or even take the vertical tram, an impressive piece of 19th century engineering. This was the first of its kind to be installed in Portugal in 1882 and continues to use its water-powered (...)
Telephone: +351 253 676 636
Towns and VillagesPeso da RéguaIt is thought that the town´s name originated from the name of a Roman house that once stood here - the "Villa Reguela". Its great development was, however, only to begin after 1756 with the creation of the Real Companhia Geral da Agricultura das (...)
Protected AreasReserva Natural das Dunas de São JacintoScenery that remains undecided between land and sea, composed of sandy beaches, marshland, freshwater and saltwater, and home to many valuable species. You are guaranteed an unforgettable visit.The reserve is located at the southernmost tip of the (...)
MonumentsUniversidade de CoimbraA centre of learning, par excellence, the University of Coimbra was founded in 1290 and is one of the oldest in Europe, and was classified World heritage site by UNESCO; this classification includes also the Uptown and Sofia Street.Founded in 1290 (...)
Telephone: +351 239 859 800
Fax: +351 239 825 841
SuggestionsSantarém, the belvedere city of RibatejoStanding on the top of a plateau, Santarém is a belvedere over the fertile wetland region, the River Tagus valley known for farming, cattle breeding and bullfighting.The city incorporated the lands of the Order of Christ, which supported the (...)
SuggestionsArouca GeoparkA Geopark is a park with a geological heritage of exceptional importance, recognised as such by the European Network the and UNESCO Global Geoparks Network. Its objective is geoconservation, education for sustainable development and tourism. (...)
BeachesPraia do CarvoeiroNext to a cliff on which harmoniously stand small white fishermen's houses, Carvoeiro Beach is an attractive and picturesque landmark of the Algarve. Its limited extent of sand is highly popular with bathers who take up positions next to fishing (...)
Towns and VillagesEriceiraA traditional fishing village, Ericeira has developed enormously during the 20th century due to the growing interest in it as a summer resort. It has, however, maintained its original characteristics and its own individual atmosphere.Fifty (...)
Towns and VillagesZambujeira do MarAffording an excellent view over the beach, Zambujeira do Mar is a small fishing village where it is still possible to enjoy a feeling of great peace and tranquillity.The beautiful beaches are one of the main attractions for the many visitors that (...)
EventsFeira de São MateusThis Viseu fair dates back to mediaeval times and has grown over the years to include lots of music, folklore, handicraft, gastronomy and plenty of entertainment.Not to be missed at the fair are all the colours and sounds of the concerts and shows (...)