


Towns and Villages

Due to the region´s particular geographical characteristics, the conditions here are ideal for water sports such as canoeing, as well as rock climbing and mountaineering.

A special mention should be made of the many Romanesque monuments in the surrounding region, with the church and monastery of Cete being one of Portugal's oldest places of worship, for its foundation dates back to the twelfth century.

The city is situated close to the River Sousa, which flows through this region in a series of gorges, and one of the most famous of these is the one known as "Senhora do Salto" (The Lady of the Leap). According to legend, a knight was tempted by the devil to jump into one of these gorges, but, after calling upon the Virgin Mary to help him, he landed gently on the opposite bank. As a sign of gratitude, he ordered a small chapel to be built, which has become an important place of worship in the area.

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