Termas da Fadagosa de Nisa

Termas da Fadagosa de Nisa
Thermal Baths
Fadagosa de Nisa Spa is located in a region where the Tagus confines with Nisa Municipality for more than 40 km, having landscapes of great beauty.
Nearby, there are several important vestiges of the roman presence and of rupestral art, from which we stand out the Megalithic complex of S.Gens.
Nearby, there are several important vestiges of the roman presence and of rupestral art, from which we stand out the Megalithic complex of S.Gens.
Ternisa, E.M. - Apartado 90 6050-909 Nisa
+351 +351 245 799 050 / 927 814 393/4
+351 245 799 059
- Characteristics and Services
- Timetable
- Accessibility
- Payments
- Other informations
- Recommended treatments
- Well-being programmes
Water type
: Sulphurous, bicarbonated, sodic
pH level
: 8,15 ± 0,17
Water temperature
: 19ºc
Bathing Season
: From 1st April to 30th November
From Monday to Sunday: 8am / 8pm