Mar Ilimitado
Mar Ilimitado
Sagres is world famous due to its role in maritime navigation history, pilgrimages and legends. It’s a wild and sumptuous stretch of coastline at the southernmost tip of continental Europe, still unspoilt and holding some quite unique features both at the national and worldwide level.
We dare you to know Sagres from the seaside along with marine biologists with a strong background on cetacean research. Here we may come across with dolphins and whales, seabirds, marine turtles or big pelagic fish. As scenery we offer you the stunning Atlantic cliffs, small grottoes, forgotten underwater treasures or breathtaking desert beaches…
We dare you to know Sagres from the seaside along with marine biologists with a strong background on cetacean research. Here we may come across with dolphins and whales, seabirds, marine turtles or big pelagic fish. As scenery we offer you the stunning Atlantic cliffs, small grottoes, forgotten underwater treasures or breathtaking desert beaches…

Porto da Baleeira de Sagres 8650-376 Sagres
+351 91 683 26 25
+351 282 624 842
Boats for hire
Whale watching
Nature watching
Observation of geology
Boat Trips
Registration No.: 88/2010
Registration No.
: 88/2010