Palmayachts, Lda

PALMAYACHTS is a Portuguese tourist company, specialized in nautical tourism, which provides rental services of sailing boats, with and without skipper and crew, sailing cruises in Tejo and Sado rivers and has modern yachts, well equipped, offering all the conditions and facilities to its customers.
PALMAYACHTS was born of a passion. The passion for the sea, sailing, the fresh air, the sound of the wind and sea passing by the hull, sliding the waves, to see the land becoming smaller as we move away from the coast and see it back again after a few days .
We work for excellence in providing services to our customers and focus on our strengths in developing innovative and flexible offerings, ensuring complete satisfaction of our customers and their expectations.

Luxury and Sailing yachts, fully equipped for charter. 10m to 27m yachts. Yacht bases in Lisbon, Oeiras, Cascais, Tróia, Lagos, Vilamoura, Portimão, Porto, Madeira, Açores.
Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at (link para