Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros

Protected Areas
The Geopark Global Terras de Cavaleiros (GGTC) encompasses the entire area of the municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros, covering an area of around 700 km2 in the very heart of the Nordeste Transmontano region.
Most of this territory is included in the Natura 2000 Network and 42 scientifically-noteworthy geosites have been identified here. They bear witness to a history that dates back over 400 million years. In addition to its significant geological heritage, this is a region with tremendous biodiversity including unique species of fauna and flora. Its architectural heritage is extensive too, and you will find churches, chapels, sanctuaries, bridges, pillories, crosses, museums and manor houses.
Visitors wishing to explore the Geopark have a choice of 24 marked foot trails that are considered Pequenas Rotas (PR – short routes). Altogether the trails cover a distance of around 180 km, giving you the opportunity to discover the culture and traditions of the region and sites of great natural beauty such as the Protected Landscape of the Albufeira do Azibo. Situated between the uplands of the Serra da Nogueira and the Serra de Bornes, it offers excellent conditions for birdwatching and other activities such as mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking or catamaraning. This is also where the Ribeira River Beach is located. In 2012 it was voted one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Portugal (in the Beaches category).
The region's cultural identity is clearly visible in the preservation of its traditions, legends, folk music, rich gastronomy and regional products, as well as in the memories of the people who live here and their cultural events. Icons such as the Caretos de Podence and the Pauliteiros de Salselas, or events such as the Festival Gastronómico do Grelo (turnip-green festival), the Rota Gastronómica do Javali (wild boar gastronomic showcase) and the Entrudo Chocalheiro (traditional Carnival festivities) demonstrate the quaint nature of the activities that take place in the region and showcase the best that it has to offer.

Rua Eng.Moura Pegado; R/C Centro Cultural
5340-302 Macedo de Cavaleiros
Tel.: +351 278 428 101/ 917 859 608