NatureLousã-Turismo e Aventura

NatureLousã-Turismo e Aventura is a Tourist Entertainment company located in Serra da Lousã. Our mission is to share with you our world, the landscape, history and stories of this mountain.
If you’re looking for walking trails along the “levadas” and footpaths, mountain biking along endless horizons, challenging single tracks, off-road tracks along fire belts and marshes, wild canyoning, kayaking downstream, rappel or slide overcoming the uneven ground climbed before, or to simply relax on a desert river beach, you can always count on NatureLousã to help you.
Contact NatureLousã-Turismo e Aventura and all the adventures you have dreamt about will come true!
Come enjoy a daring experience and visit Serra da Lousã with those who know it best.

3200-129 Lousã
Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at (link para