Green Trekker
Green Trekker is dedicated to Adventure Travel organization and Trekkings inside and outside the country. We're looking for our customers to know Portugal from North to South, and some foreign destinations, in a relaxed and adventurer way in search of unique experiences.
Green Trekker invests time to the exploration and discovery of the deep and wild Portugal. Searching all arround the country from North to South, East to West in order to always show and provide customers with the most recondite, wild and beautiful locations of our beautiful Portugal.
And because out of Portugal there are also destinations with equal cultural and natural beauty, Green Trekker also develops its activity in some places of choice.
For not wanting to limit our horizons and curiosity and of our Customers in the search of new adventures, Green Trekker team has the mission of constantly search for new destinations for what we will always be glad to analyze new proposals.
We believe that Green Trekker is a source of opportunity, for those who seek to enrich their lives with unique and unforgettable experiences. The continuous search of the unknown is one of our pillars in the certainty that the lived experiences will make GreenTrekker customers more complete in their knowledge.
1050-167 Lisboa
Clean&Safe – The Clean&Safe stam confirms that the hotel or other tourism establishment is compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 as recommended by the DGS - Directorate-General for Health. More information at (link para