


Tours and Other Tourism Services

Hello future guests…

My name is Nuno. I am a proud academic and professional Portuguese host and tour guide. I specialize on private tours, customizable or tailor made, at the Center and South regions of continental Portugal. My vision is to deliver A as much as possible authentic Portuguese experience for you, on your journey here. My goals everyday are based on You and the future of my - our - country, Portugal. So, I work on going beyond guests expectations for the tours, so you can take home the Ones best authentic memories from your trip. To achieve that I focus on helping you to interpret the places, the history, the culture. . . going much further than that, speaking about everything else you may want to know: politics, economics, mentality, idiosyncrasies, faults and defects of the society. . . I am sure that I will help you to find links or reasons to identify you with the destinations while visiting. During the time you spend with me, we will find them together! It's very important to feel like you are merging with the places and the locals! Thinking outside the box, focusing beyond the traditional destinations, considering the emerging new ones and places of interest, I will continue to create thematic tours, never rushing or missing on safety.

I am motivated by the great Portuguese past achievements and the country's identity, which from this isolated corner land of Europe, shrunk the world into the first global village. By analyzing it - also with your contributions - from Portugal's perspective, I want to continue that Legacy, as is my mission to aspire and work for a much better and brighter Portuguese national and worldwide future, especially to leave for daughter. This is the way I always try to deliver, using a true genuine tourism ambassador approach. This is what the brand I created - SophiaTours - in 2018 represents. 


2710 Sintra
+351 961 030 260
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Guided Tours
Other Activities

09.00 - 23.00

Registration No.
: 2710/2018
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