Dream Overland
Tours and Other Tourism Services
We are a registered tour company with a deep knowledge of the country specialised in the organisation of adventure and overland trips in Portugal. We base our activity on the values of legal compliance, nature protection and sustainability. We operate according to our own Code of Conduct, aligned with the requirements of the Portuguese Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests. We have a special environmental accreditation allowing us to drive inside Nature Parks and other protected areas (where permitted), and we are members of the Natural.pt brand (www.natural.pt), reserved for companies who have adhered to the programme. Our offer is based on a personalised service with tailor-made trips meeting the personal interests of our guests. We are constantly exploring and spending countless days on the ground in contact with the local people and organisations in search for the best places of interest and the best routes. As a result of this research, we have acquired a deep knowledge of the whole country which allows us to give our guests a renewed level of novelty and differentiation in each event. Join us and discover a susprising Portugal.
6300-040 Avelãs de Ambom