Casa da Memória Judaica da Raia Sabugalense
Museums and Palaces
Jewish Memorial House of the Sabugal border
Located in Largo do Castelo do Sabugal (Sabugal Castle’s Square), the Jewish Memorial House occupies the building of the former Casa do Castelo (Castle House). Over two floors, explanatory panels demonstrate the relationship of this border region with the Jews and crypto-Jews between the 15th and 18th centuries.
Bearing witness to the passage and presence of Jewish families in this area in the 15th century, the House reveals Jewish personalities who settled in this Portuguese municipality after being expelled from Spain in 1492.
Among the archaeological pieces on display, of particular note is the cupboard that may have been used as a Hejal (Aron Kodesh) - where religious implements were kept, especially the Torah scroll - as witnessed by João Lopes Nunes, a local subjected to interrogation by the Inquisition in 1703.
One can also watch, on the ground floor, a documentary about the presence and life of the Sabugal's Jewish community, which received the Outreach Film Award from the Portuguese Museology Association in 2018.